Spiritual Growth

Growing in Christ

Cultivating the life of our Spirits is the work of a lifetime. At Christ Church, we support all our members as they grow in Christ’s love and compassion.

Sunday School

We recognize that children have an innate sense of spirituality as well as boundless curiosity about their world. Our Sunday School program echoes the Reggio approach of our parish school, emphasizing big questions and encouraging curiosity and wonder, while also providing children an introduction to the traditions and stories that are the foundations of our church. Sunday School meets during part of our 10:15 a.m. service.

Confirmation Classes

Christ Church offers confirmation classes for teenagers and adults. Contact the Rev. Claire Dietrich Ranna for more information.

Sunday Forum

The Forum is our regular adult formation program, meeting every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. The focus of the Forum rotates regularly between clergy-led programs, Bible study, book studies, and video lectures from The Great Courses.

Additional Opportunities

For those looking to deepen their connection to God, creation, neighbor, and self, we offer a wide variety of additional formation opportunities: learn centering prayer and practice contemplation in community as part of our weekly meditation group, which meets on Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m; take part in our ongoing anti-racism work through the weekly Book Study, or sign up with Rev. Claire for our next offering of the Sacred Ground series; or consider joining one of our various ministries or committees