Baptism and Confirmation

 Holy Baptism

Baptism is a sign of God's unconditional love for us and unqualified acceptance of us. One of the principal sacraments of the Church, it signifies our identity as children of God and our commitment to walk in God's ways. Through full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit, we are made member's of Christ's body, the Church, and “marked as Christ’s own forever." The bond God's establishes in Baptism is indissoluble. 

Because Baptism is also a time when the whole community renews its commitment to Christ, it is appropriate that it take place, whenever possible, in the midst of the congregation during a Sunday service of Holy Eucharist. In this way, the entire community can participate in making holy promises and supporting those formally joining the Church. 


God calls both children and adults into Baptism. When infants are to be baptized, parents and godparents make commitments on their behalf until they are ready and able to reaffirm them as adults. When adults are baptized, it is preferable to have some instruction in the faith, which is led by our clergy. Contact the Rev. Claire Dietrich Ranna for more information or to schedule a baptism.



Confirmation is the rite wherein one reaffirms their baptismal promises in the presence of the Bishop and acknowledges their membership in the wider body of the Church. Particularly for those baptized as infants, being confirmed is a powerful sign of one's growth in the spirit and the maturation of one's faith. Adults who were baptized in another denomination may also wish to be confirmed in The Episcopal Church as a sign of their membership. 


Youth and adults prepare for Confirmation through a series of classes led by our clergy.  Adults who have been confirmed already may also wish to do a "reaffirmation" and publicly restate their commitment to their faith, which is also celebrated in a service of Confirmation.